Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Blueberry Pancake Choux-Macas

Before I claim this as my own, I'd like to credit this recipe to Adriano Zumbo. I found it in his latest book 'The Zumbo Files'. I decided to make this dessert to kick off my holiday cooking. This dessert both looks and tastes good and I would recommend that anyone who has this cookbook should definitely give this recipe a go! 

This small dessert contains 6 different elements which create flavour and texture. I completed this dish over 3 half days however it could easily be done in 1 day.
The first part I made was the purple macaron shells. As this recipe only uses a few of the macaron shells, I made a redskin ganache to fill the spare ones with.
The next components I made were the vanilla crumble, blueberry gel and the pancake creme. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of these.
After that I made the most important part of this dessert - the choux buns. I piped mine into 4-5cm rounds.
 Once the choux mixture was piped, I topped each one with a thin disk of sable that was cut to the same size as the choux mixture.
When cooked, the sable forms a cracked surface on top of the choux puff and helps to keep them perfectly round while cooking.
 The last component that needed to made before assembling the dessert was the creme fraiche chantilly cream.

To assemble this dessert, first a small hole needed to be cut into the top of the choux puff. Then using a piping bag, I filled the puff 1/3 full with the pancake creme. This element established the pancake flavour in the dessert. Next was the blueberry gel, I also added a fresh blueberry into each one to add more texture as well as the base blueberry flavour. This component adds sweetness and freshness to the dessert and adds a slightly tangy flavour. The last component that filled the choux puff was the vanilla crumble, this added crunch to the dessert which balanced against all of the smooth fillings.
The bun was then topped with the creme fraiche chantilly. This was piped on top using a star tip and it added height to the dish. The sourness from the creme fraiche helped to lighten the dessert and cut through some of the sweetness. Lastly it was topped with the purple macaron shell for decoration.
Here are the images of the final product!

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