This weekend I decided to try some new things. I had been wanting to try and make honeycomb after I saw them doing it on the Great British Bake-off and when I finally got around to trying it, I thought what better to do with it than make macarons. Chocolate honeycomb was the flavour this time and I decided I would even create a visual diary of how I make the macarons (I did miss a few steps but the majority are below and unfortunately I didn't get to capture the honeycomb in pictures so I will have to make it again some other time).
Making the Macarons
heating the sugar syrup and colouring
egg whites forming soft peaks
adding the finished sugar syrup straight into the egg whites
sifting the almond meal and icing sugar together
adding more egg whites to form an almond paste
combining the finished meringue and almond paste to create the mixture ready for piping
piping the shells
resting to form a skin before cooking
rising to form 'feet'
finished shells ready for filling
homemade honeycomb
basic chocolate ganache
crushed honeycomb ready to be mixed through
finished honeycomb ganache
drizzled chocolate for decoration on finished macarons